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Best Eye Care Tips

Eye Care Tips

Plan a healthy, balanced diet. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can be an excellent way to maintain eye health because it provides all sorts of important nutrients like antioxidants, lutein, and vitamins. Eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Maintain a healthy weight. We all know that obesity leads to diabetes. If diabetes is not in control, it will show a great impact on eye vision. So better to eat healthy food and do exercise.

Exercise: For good and healthy life we have to do exercise regularly. Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol may lead to some eye problems. To avoid eye problems, we must do regular exercise.

Wear protective eye wear. Eye wear will protect eyes for injuries, when playing sports, working in jobs. Wearing sunglasses also will give protection from UV-A and UV-B radiation.

Avoid smoking. Smoking not only kills the lungs but also increases the risk of developing eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts and can damage the optic nerve.

Know your family medical history.

Some diseases such as heart, Jaundice etc... are transform to us through family jeans. Eye disease is also one of them. So, it’s better to see medical history of the family. This can help you determine if you are at higher risk of developing an eye disease.

Know your other risk factors.

Day by day age increases our eye retina also becomes dull and some eye related diseases also may affect our eye vision. So, it’s better to know the risk factors eye and made some changes in food and daily activities to stay far away from eye diseases.

Give your eyes a rest.

Many people in this generation are spending more time in front of computer or using mobile phones. When using them you may forget to blink your eyes which leads to eyestrain. To reduce eyestrain, you have to blink eyes for every twenty minutes. If eyestrain is more then go to bed early or follow the doctor’s advice.


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